Transferwise user experience 應用經驗分享

TransferWise now changed its name into Wise, which is a crazy useful money transfer tool that I believe everyone should use. Their vision of this company is Money without borders, and they do deliver a unique feature that no other internet banking or traditional banking can replace. 

TransferWise這個神奇的東西,是我認爲目前歐洲發展的衆多電子銀行、網絡銀行裏面最特別的一個,甚至可以說是在全世界裏面都沒有任何一個銀行可以替代的它。它的slogan是Money without borders,同時也提供了一個非常獨特的功能,能讓資金真正的能在各國之間流動。特別是來到歐洲讀書的留學生,這個可以說是一定要申請的銀行賬戶。

1. International Money Transfer 國際匯款

As an international students/cross borders businessman, it is common to sent money aboard or receive money from another country. The traditional approach is to use wire transfer, which is crazy slow, has hidden charges, need IBAN code that we are unlikely to use in daily life, need bank address sometimes, and only works on weekdays.

作爲一個國際留學生或時常出差境外的商務人士,都會經常需要向國外地區發送資金或接收來自國外地區的資金。傳統的方法則是使用國際轉賬Wire Transfer, 但是這個東西轉賬速度非常慢,而且還會有隱藏的收費,需要輸入日常生活都不會用到的IBAN代碼,有時候還要輸入銀行地址,并且還只在工作日才能夠匯款。

Therefore comes the transfer tool TransferWise (I still like to call its old name, because its new name drops all its characteristics). The above diagram shows how it works. It is basically two local transfers, you sent your money to TransferWise’s Germany account, and it automatically converts the correct number of GBP and sent money from its U.K. account to your friend. Actually, the whole process doesn’t involve the international transfer, your money does not leave your country and the money your friend received does not come from outside. So they provide a much lower transfer fee compare to other banks and international transfer vendors, and money arrives a lot more faster.


2. Cheap version of HSBC 小滙豐

Of course, money moving is not the most attractive feature. The most important is that TransferWise provides oversea bank account detail for us to sent and receive money. What does it mean? Traditionally if we want to open an offshore banking account, we need to go to that country for physical verifications, or if you are an HSBC Premier user, you can open those offshore accounts in your home country. But the standard for HSBC Premier is crazy. HSBC Premier requires a minimum saving of $75,000 in the U.S, ¥500,000 in China and HK$1,000,000 in Hong Kong.


The picture above lists all current local bank details TransferWise provides. It includes major banking details in the most developed economic entities. The U.S account and Euro account can also use for buying stocks, setting up a direct debit for credit card repay or linking to PayPal U.S version. It gives you 10 banking details (currently) and might gives you more in the future, doesn’t it sounds like a cheaper version of HSBC? Without being a Premier customer, without the requirement of physical present verification, you hold a bank account in 10 countries, and this is the most attractive feature I think.

上圖列出了當前TransferWise提供的所有離岸的戶口信息,包含了全球最發達的經濟體的銀行信息,意味著你在這些經濟體内進行資金流動的時候,都是使用速度較快的國内轉賬。美國、英國、澳洲、新西蘭、加拿大、歐盟、新加坡,你一下就擁有了全球最重要的經濟體組織的銀行賬號,你的資金就能用在這些經濟體的投資活動上,例如投資美股、歐洲股市、英國股市、保險,這不就是一個便宜版本的滙豐銀行嗎?而且還不需要卓越理財的資金要求,也不需要你實際飛到當地做親身開戶。(而且這些bank detail在一個app裏就能查看、維護,滙豐還要各個地區下載申請各個地區的手機app,用戶體驗相比,TransferWise好很多)

Above are the U.S banking detail, Euro banking detail and U.K banking detail TransferWise provides. 


3. Debit card 儲蓄卡

Traditional multi-currencies debit card. With stripe, chips and pins, and contactless transaction. Can use for consumption, ATM withdraw, online payment, Apple Pay or Google Pay. Nothing special. Pay attention to its card number. It is issued at the same place as your registered address. For example, if your account is registered in Germany, TransferWise will sent you a debit card with its card bin in Eurozone. Payments might encounter problems when paying outside your issued country.

就一個很正常的多幣種儲蓄卡。可以做磁條交易,芯片交易,閃付交易。可以用來消費,ATM取錢,在綫付款,Apple Pay或Goolge Pay。沒什麽特別的。有一點值得注意,這張卡的卡號是根據你注冊地址的地方而發行的。假如你是在德國注冊的,那麽TransferWise就會發行一張卡bin是歐元的儲蓄卡。在非發卡囯交易時有可能會遇到問題。

4. How to apply? 如何申請?

I am tired of typing words now. I just leave it here. Click the button on the right, follow the instructions. They have multi-languages pages for you to choose from. You will get a reward. I will get a reward. Win wins ~!~


P.S. 给中国留学生的小tips (Message to Chinese students, no eng version)

  1. 根据中国的外汇管理规定,TransferWise在中国只能单向汇入人民币,而不能从中国汇出资金的,因此对于中国出去的学生来说,要把学费生活费汇出去,需要借道香港这个离岸经济体;
  2. 目前香港金融管理局上线了一套转数快系统(Fast Payment System, FPS)。该系统能够提供跨平台的实时转账服务,例如电子钱包(WeChat Pay HK, Tap & Go)等平台可以直接汇款至他人的银行户口(HSBC, BOCHK)等。所以,假如来自中国的留学生同学拥有一个自己同名的香港账户的话,(不一定是银行户口,电子钱包也可以),即可以将港币利用TransferWise转账至全球任意国家。我曾经试过从香港转账到英国,在非工作日夜晚也是仅仅3分钟就到账,速度非常快,(当然也得益于香港和英国两地本地转账都是实时到账的)。
  3. 但是我的人民币怎样变成港元?这个就简单了,既可以靠人脉关系联系在港打工的同学,也可以在网上搜索香港本地的找换店(很多找换店都有开设微信来服务内地人士),使用这样的换汇方法,速度快同时也避开外汇局的限制。
  4. 我没有香港银行户口怎么办?基于目前深港两地依然处于封关状态,肉身前往香港现得比较困难。我建议申请几个香港的本地钱包作为备用,在FPS的支援下可以把资金从电子钱包转账到TransferWise在香港的账户,即可实现资金汇出了。

Leave your messages if you encounter any problems~!


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